1 Peter 3:13-17 — Reason for Hope


1 Peter 3:13-17



  1. Upon first reading, what appears to be the answer to v.13? What do you think the answer actually is? What’s Peter’s point?

  2. v.14a echoes Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:10-11. The blessing we receive when suffering for Christ’s sake isn’t received only in the future, but in the present as well. How might someone who’s persecuted for their faith be blessed in the midst of suffering? Has this ever been your experience?


  1. What do you think Peter means in v.15 by “honor Christ the Lord as holy”? Read the NIV to help with your answer.

  2. If you make it your primary focus in life to “honor Christ…as holy” you’ll find it far easier to practice everything else in the passage; in fact, you’ll find yourself doing it without thinking about it. Can you give examples of how prioritizing v.15a naturally leads to everything else in v.13-17?

  3. Verse 15 is rich. What are key words/phrases Peter uses, and how do these provide a more holistic approach to sharing the gospel than how we normally do it?


  1. Notice Peter says “give a defense,” not “get defensive.” What’s the difference? Do you find yourself heating up when someone attacks your beliefs?

  2. Do you err toward being so “gentle and respectful” that you rarely present the hope within you at all, or do you lean toward the other extreme of sharing the gospel but not with gentleness and respect? How can the Holy Spirit help you become well-rounded according to v.15?

  3. If someone asks you for a reason for your hope, what answers can you give from personal experience? What answers can you give that come from 1 Peter specifically? (Peter has provided several in ch.1-3)

  4. Sometimes we utilize the guise of “I don’t want to be ‘that’ Christian” or “I don’t want to be a jerk” as a way of hiding Christ from others. However, it’s assumed in v.13 that we are “zealous,” or “radical” for the cause of what is good. In what ways do you need to be more earnest in your public behavior or speech for the cause of Christ?


  • for one another, our church, our city

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