Name & Logo
What does doxology mean?
Doxology means "word of praise." Our desire is to live every area of life—career, family life, recreation, the mundane—as an outflowing of praise and gratitude to God, in response to the beauty of who He is and for what He's doing for us through Jesus Christ.
We shouldn’t ignore the darker shades of life nor be naive about the human condition—and God invites us to be honest about sorrows and fears amidst a broken world—but the ground-note of our lives is gratitude and hope because of what God has accomplished for us in the Gospel and Jesus’ promise to renew all creation. In Washington DC, a city prone to cynicism and pessimism, we want to be a beacon of God's goodness and beauty by living as a people marked by praise.
what’s with the lamppost?
We chose the lamppost as our logo for two reasons:
1. A lamppost in front of a home is a sign of welcome, warmth, and security. This has been central to our church from Day 1: to be a place where skeptics, doubters, and those are don’t share our beliefs are welcomed, where hard questions are received with warmth and respect, where everyone is treated with empathy yet pushed and challenged to grow, and where the truth about Jesus is proclaimed without hindrance as He's the only one in whom we can find ultimate warmth and security.
2. Jesus describes Himself as the light of the world (John 8:12), and His Word is described as a light unto our paths (Psalm 119:105). Amid a confused culture hungry for truth, we hold to Jesus and His Word as our light in the darkness and arbiter of truth, and as His ambassadors we are the light of the world to others.