Community Groups
What are community groups?
Doxology Community Groups are the backbone of the relational life of our church and the main way we make and mature disciples of Jesus who live in light of the Gospel. They are a great way for newcomers to connect, for members to grow in their love for Jesus and one another, and for our church to serve our city and local communities.
In the New Testament we see both the corporate worship gathering and house to house ministry (Acts 5:42) as the way the church grew in depth and breadth. Community groups are how we practice this house to house ministry.
current community groups
community group FAQ’s
should I join a community group?
Whether you're just beginning to explore Christianity or if you're new to Doxology Church, there is no better way to plug in and get connected! They are warm spaces for you to explore and deepen your understanding of the Gospel, to connect relationally with others, and grow as a follower of Jesus. No matter where you're coming from or what your experiences are in the past, Community Groups are the place for you.
What should I expect?
Groups are made up of 5–15 people and meet twice per month. Each group will feel different because different people compose each one, and this is a good thing! You can expect to share a meal together, study a passage of the Bible and discuss how it applies to your life, and pray together. However, it's not just a Bible Study. Think of Community Groups as local families who gather regularly to love one another, have fun together, grow as followers of Jesus together, and work together for the large and beautiful purpose of making Jesus known in our city.
Groups are the means by which we live together in truly authentic ways. This means we not only laugh and celebrate with one another, but we also cry together and bear one another's burdens. Groups are the main vehicle through which we support each other and, when needed, take extra measures to ensure financial, emotional, and spiritual needs are met and no one suffers alone.