1 Peter 4:7-11 — The End Is At Hand


1 Peter 4:7-11


  1. What do you think by Peter means by “the end of all things is at hand”…does he mean the world will end in a few days, or is he referring to something else? (Compare with Mark 1:15, Acts 2:17a, 2 Tim 3:1) What’s the purpose behind Peter’s statement? (Compare with Matthew 24:42-44)

  2. What do self-control and sober-mindedness have to do with our prayers? (v.7b)

  3. Of all the things in the list what does Peter say is most important? Why do you think this is?

  4. The word “hospitality” in v.9 literally means “love of stranger.” Does this change how you think about hospitality? How might this apply to people within Doxology?

  5. What’s the purpose of our gifts? (v.10) What wrong assumptions do we often hold about the purpose for our gifts/lives?


  1. In what area is God urging you to live more purposefully in light of the fact that the of all things is indeed at hand?

  2. Have you ever experienced a season where your lack of self-control negatively affected your prayer life? Or a season where you did practice self-control and godly living and this augmented your prayer life? A time when your prayer life changed how you lived during the day?

  3. Is there a person or people in your life you need to love more earnestly? And/or no longer hold their flaws against them?

  4. Does it change things/encourage you to know that as you practice verses 7-11, God is glorified through Jesus Christ? (v.11b)

  5. Encourage someone in your group regarding how you’ve seen them use the gifts God has given them to serve the body.


  • for one another, our church, our city

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