Esther 5:1-14


Esther 5:1-14


  1. What stands out to you in these texts?

  2. What do you think was the purpose behind Esther preparing a feast for the king and Haman? 

  3. What do Haman’s fluctuating feelings (from joyful and glad to wrathful, v.9) reveal his greatest boasts and fears to be?


  1. Esther had great courage to approach the king the way she did. How does the gospel give us courage to draw near to God and to act courageously in our daily lives?

  2. Esther’s plan begins with a feast prepared for the enemies of her people. How does Jesus demonstrate this for sinners? How can we do this for others as well?

  3. Haman’s insecurities and pride are not far off from our own thoughts about ourselves.. How does the gospel bring us low in humility to remove pride, but also builds us up to shed all insecurities? How can we help point one another to this truth regularly?


For the needs of each other

For our CG’s to continue to be witnesses for the gospel to our communities

John Campbell