John 21:1-14 — Life After The Resurrection


John 21:1-14


  1. What stands out to you about this passage?

  2. Read v.2-4. Considering recent events, what is significant about this scene…why do you think the disciples are doing this and what might the mood be among them? (read John 20:19a to help with context; try to think of things not mentioned in last week’s sermon)

  3. Compare v.4-8 with Luke 5:1-11. What are the similarities? What are the differences? What’s significant about the differences?

  4. Read v.9-14. Make some observations about what the disciples likely thought and felt as they approached the fire. Why do you think Jesus does this? What impact would it have made on them after He ascended?


  1. v.2-4 depict a diverse group—in personality, political convictions, levels of maturity—who are choosing to be together because of Christ. Is God challenging you to grow in this area? How can we each take ownership in helping Doxology better reflect this kind of community?

  2. How does the resurrection impact your fears and longings on a practical level? How does it affect your approach to your work and relationships?

  3. Look at Peter’s reaction to seeing Jesus in v.7. Does this impact how you think about approaching Jesus each day? What might Peter have grasped that elicited this kind of response, and how does this encourage or challenge you?


  • for one another, our church, our city

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