Luke 15:11-32


Luke 15:11-32


  1. What stands out to you in the text? 

  2. What is the significance of the son stating that he’d be willing to come back as a hired servant of his Fathers? And what is the significance of the father inviting him back as his son?

  3. Earlier in this chapter, it says that Jesus’ audience were the Pharisees and sinners. Knowing this and the characterization of the brothers we are given in the story, what do you think Jesus’ primary message to both audiences was?

  4. The story ends with the younger brother in the house and the elder brother outside of the house. Why do you think Jesus left the story there?


  1. This story is often called the parable of the lost son, but it’s really a story about two lost sons. How do you relate at times in your walk with the younger brother or the older brother?

  2. It says that Father saw the younger brother when he was a long way off and then he runs to him. How has God done this for us? And how does this reflect God’s heart for those who are not followers of Jesus?

  3. The elder brother did not welcome his brother back because of what he believed he was owed for his righteousness. How is Jesus a different and better older brother for us?


  • Pray for the seeds sown from the conversations leading up to Easter and the reception of the gospel preached on Easter Sunday

  • For each other, the world, our city, our church

John Campbell