Malachi 3:6-12
Malachi 3:6-12
What stands out to you in the text?
Why do you believe that The Lord considered the people’s lack of tithing as robbery?
Why does God tell His people to put Him to the test? Do you think that contradicts other places in scripture where it is commanded not to put God to the test (see Deut. 6:16, Matt.4:7, Luke 4:12)? Why or why not?
Why is giving of our finances, our time, our resources to the Lord important? How does our giving affect how we manage and view these things?
In light of all that we have been given in Christ Jesus, what are ways that we rob God (and ourselves) today? How can we seek to better steward the greatest gift we’ve been given from God in Jesus?
While Jesus never promises financial prosperity through giving, we know that obedience to God does come with the blessing of greater intimacy and knowledge of Jesus as we imitate Him in generosity. What are some examples of this in your own life?
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