Matthew 4:12-25


Matthew 4:12-25


  1. What stands out to you in the text?

  2. In verses 13-16, Jesus has fulfilled a prophecy from Isaiah by living in the territory of Zebulun and Napthali. What is the significance of this considering he is beginning His ministry?

  3. What do you think Jesus meant by “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand?”

  4. Jesus begins his ministry with teaching and calling on everyone to repent but He also is healing the sick and oppressed. How do both of these actions illustrate the kind of kingdom Jesus was bringing? How is it different from the kingdoms of the world then and now?


  1. Jesus signifies The Kingdom of God is here and is coming. The Already/Not Yet. How is this so? And what are implications in our lives of The Kingdom being both “here” and “coming?”

  2. Steve went over different “gospels” popularized by the church and culture that we are to be aware of to distinguish them from “The Gospel of The Kingdom:” 

  • Evangelical Gospel - God saves us from hell so we can live forever in the new earth

  • Prosperity Gospel - God blesses us (primarily physically and financially) if we have enough faith in Him

  • Social Gospel - The main problem with humanity is unjust power relations (oppressed/oppressor) rather than sin/alienation from God. God calls us to break down oppressive institutions/relationships (mostly by political means) and care for the needy as Jesus did

What good pieces of these “gospels” borrow from The Gospel of The Kingdom? 

Where do they fall short from Jesus’ gospel?


For the needs of each other

For our CG’s to continue to be witnesses for the gospel to our communities

John Campbell