Psalm 77


Psalm 77


  1. What sticks out to you in this psalm?

  2. Count how many times the psalmist uses the personal pronoun “I” in v.1-10, compared to v.11-20. a) What’s significant about this? b) Is the lesson that we should not come to God with me-centered concerns and pains? If not, what is the lesson?

  3. What’s ironic about verse 8?

  4. The psalms provide less of a formula for prayer (“If I pray [X] then God will do [Y]”) but instead they provide principles for prayer. What are a few principles we learn in Psalm 77, and how do they encourage/challenge your normal approach to prayer?

  5. In v.14-20 the psalmist recounts the exodus, when the Israelites stared at the fast-approaching Egyptian army with their backs against the sea, and God delivered them in an unexpected yet decisive manner. How is the greater exodus God provides through Jesus similar? How is it better? Think in terms of emotions, the physical world, the eternal world, etc. and what real difference this makes in your life.


  1. The psalmist reflects on past moments of God’s faithfulness to help him amid present difficulty. Can you recall any past events of God’s kindness toward you, be it through the comforting presence of His Holy Spirit, through another person, a time of sweetness in the Scripture, a time He provided for you, etc.? Share with the group as a way of “remembering the deeds of the Lord.” (v.11)

  2. The psalmist spends serious time on meditation before God (v.3 “I meditate”, v.5 “consider,” v.6 “meditate” and “diligent search”). This is key to his transition from viewing his circumstances through the lens of despair to that of gratitude and confidence. When confusion or hard times hit you, what’s your intuitive reflex for dealing with it? How does this Psalm redirect you, if at all?

  3. Jeff Toomer highlighted a few things the psalmist does: a) he prays out loud, b) he prays his honest difficulties/pains, c) he prays his honest questions, and d) he prays the Gospel. Which of these is God helping you grow in the most thus far? Which can you do more of in the coming week?


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