Romans 5:1-5
Romans 5:1-5
What stands out to you in the text?
What does it mean to be justified by faith? Why does this give us peace with God through Jesus?
What does Paul mean when he says that we “rejoice in hope of the glory of God?” How does this relate or differ from the hope that is found through suffering?
What does it mean when Paul says that “Hope does not put us to shame?”
Advent is a season of longing and the people of God are notoriously known as people who are waiting. How can we remind ourselves and maintain the hope we have in Jesus while in the midst of our waiting?
When suffering comes it can be easy to lose hope, but the hope Paul refers to in this passage is one built through suffering. How do followers of Jesus find hope produced during dark times?
Jesus says that when we have a need to ask him to meet us in that need. Take some time to pray specifically for those who may be in a season of waiting. Pray that The Lord would answer their call, but also that they could find hope in the waiting, knowing that He is walking beside them.