1 Samuel 17:1-58—David and Goliath

Read Passage

  • 1 Samuel 17:1-58


  • What stands out to you about this passage?

  • The author spends far more time on the descriptions of Goliath and David and on the smack talk between them compared to the fight itself, which is only 4 verses (v.48-51). Why do you think this is the case?

  • Fill in the blanks in v.26: “For who is this _________ Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the __________ God?” What is David trying to communicate through his tone and choice of adjectives?

  • Earlier in Samuel (8:5) Israel demanded a king “like the nations.” See how Saul acts and thinks in v. 11, 33, 38 of Chapter 17. What is the author conveying?

  • Summarize David’s speech in v.45-47. What is David’s sole focus? What is his reason for fighting? His confidence in the face of fear?


  • v.47 conveys the beautiful and main message of the Bible, which is “Salvation is of the Lord.” (cf. Jonah 2:9). As you put yourself in the position of the Israelites who are afraid and unable to save themselves (v.11, 24) how is God calling you to lean into the reality of v.47?

  • As David reflects on his past in v.34-37, he doesn’t fall into overconfidence in his abilities but instead focuses on God’s faithfulness and provision. Can you share any past experiences of God’s faithfulness toward you that may help embolden you for the present and future?

  • David fights Goliath because a) he’s obsessed with God’s glory and honor, and b) he wants to deliver God’s people from danger (here you see his shepherd’s heart). Consider why you do what you do. Discuss.


  • pray for one another, our church, and our city

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