1 Samuel 18:1-7 — Jonathan and David

Read Passage

1 Samuel 18:1-7, 19:1-7, 20:1-42, 23:15-18


  • What stands out to you about these passages?

  • How does Jonathan’s attitude toward David throughout Ch.18-20 differ from that of Saul (18:8-9) and the commoners (18:6-7, 16)?

  • Who does David seek in 20:1 right after Saul tries to kill him and why?

  • Reread 20:30-34 and 23:16-17. Jonathan is making an incredible sacrifice. What all is he giving up, and why?

  • Read David’s lament for Jonathan in 2 Samuel 1:26. What was it that enabled this level of intimacy? (hint: 1 Sam 18:3, 20:16, 23:18). How does this run up against our natural bent toward relationships?


  • How is God calling you to be a true friend in general?

  • Who is He calling you to be a true friend toward in particular?

  • The way Jonathan enters into friendship with David (18:1-4) and sticks by his side points us to how Jesus enters into friendship with you (Phil. 2:5-8, John. 15:15) and sticks with you (John 13:1). This is staggering. How does this comfort you, steady you? How does it lift your soul? How can you daily take advantage of this reality rather than ignore it and let it get dusty on the shelf?


  • pray for one another, our church, our city

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