2 Samuel 2-4 — Resistance to God's King

Read Passage

2 Samuel 2:1-4, 8-17; 3:6-16, 26-27; 4:5-12


  • Summarize this section in 1-2 sentences.

  • What’s significant about God telling David to move his household to Hebron (2:1-3) in light of Genesis 13:18, 23:19, and 25:9-10?

  • Read what Abner says in 3:9-10, 18. In light of 2:8-10 and 3:1, 6-8, why do you think Abner gives the kingdom to David in Chapter 3? Are his motives God-centered or self-centered?

  • In 3:31-39 David goes to great lengths to mourn for Abner. Why do you think it was important for him to assure Israel he had not been the one to kill Abner?

  • What is the author communicating about human nature? Who is the key player in this story?


  • Abner quotes Scripture and invokes God’s name only when it’s a pro-Abner move. Can you think of areas in your own life where you do this/are tempted to do this? Can you think of public figures who do this, and if so, how should you pray for them / respond in other ways?

  • Even though God promised David the kingdom and Saul is dead, David still has to wait 7 more years to reign over all Israel, and for the most part he waits patiently on the Lord’s timing while others take matters into their own hands. Give an example (past or present) of a time you had to wait on the Lord’s timing. What did/does waiting patiently on Him look like compared to taking matters into your hands, and how are you able to see God’s purposes in the wait?

  • This section demonstrates the “already/not yet” aspect of the Davidic kingdom. We’re in a similar situation today, as Christ has already inaugurated His Kingdom and yet we wait for Him to establish it fully. In light of this, how should believers respond to the current turmoil in our world? Use Scripture as the grid through which to guide your answers.


  • pray for one another, our church, our city

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