1 Samuel 28 and 31 — Saul's Tragedy

Read Passage

1 Samuel 28:3-25, 31:1-12


  • What stands out to you about these passages?

  • What’s striking about what Saul does in 28:7, in light of 28:6 and Deut 18:9-14? What should he have done instead?

  • In 28:17-18 Samuel reminds Saul of what happened in 15:22-23. Summarize 15:22-23 in your own words. How do you understand this message in light of God’s gospel of grace?

  • Answer these questions to identify the irony of Saul’s death:

    • Who was Saul meant to provide victory against? (9:16)

    • Who did Saul focus on pursuing? (24:2, 26:2)

    • Who caused Saul to take his own life? (31:1-2)

  • Revisit Hannah’s prayer in 2:1-10. How is v.3-8 reflected in the life of Saul and David?


  • One pattern of Saul’s life was to ignore or minimize God’s clearly revealed word. In what ways do you ignore or minimize the main way God reveals Himself to you? (His Word.) How can you treasure God by listening to Him and responding to what He says this upcoming week?

  • Another pattern of Saul’s life was depending on his own strength rather than God’s. How is God calling you to lean on His strength moving forward, both in times of prosperity and times of crisis?

  • How has the Holy Spirit used 1 Samuel to help you appreciate and worship Jesus more? How has God used 1 Samuel to train you in righteousness in your thoughts, words, and actions?


  • pray for one another, our church, our city

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