Exodus 24:1-7; Revelation 21:1-3


Exodus 24:1-7; Revelation 21:1-3


  1. What stands out to you in the texts?

  2. Why did God command Moses to write down all the words of The Lord?

  3. a. What is a covenant?

    b. What is the covenant God makes with His people? (see ch. 20-23)

    c. How does it relate to/differ from the new covenant Christ speaks of during The Lord’s supper in Luke 22?

  4. How does Revelation 21 sum up the ultimate purpose of our covenant with God in Jesus?


  1. The Bible is a story of God bringing His people into a covenant with Him so that he might dwell with them... But for many of us, our stories have shaped the way we see scripture for better and for worse. Take a few minutes to discuss your relationship with The Bible and how The Lord has been revealing Himself to you through His Word.

  2. We have the words of God written down for us so that we might remember the covenant He has made with us in Christ Jesus. It’s vitally important that we read God’s Word to remember these things and to grow in the love of Jesus every day.

    a. What motivates you to read scripture?

    b. How might we grow to prioritize reading the story of God more this year?


Pray for the needs of each other and for our city

John Campbell