Isaiah 9:1-7 — Light in the Darkness


Isaiah 9:1-7


  1. Galilee of the nations (v.1) was where God’s people suffered the most, as they were repeatedly the first region to be invaded by foreign armies. What do you think it felt like for them to receive the promises of v.1-5? Hope? Relief? Skepticism?

  2. “As on the day of Midian” (v.4) refers to Judges 6-8, when God reduced Israel’s army from 32,000 to 300 and used an unlikely leader, Gideon, to lead this tiny army in defeating Israel’s enemies. What point is Isaiah making with this reference?

  3. How do you think Isaiah’s hearers expected the promises of v.1-7 to be fulfilled? Now read Matthew 4:11-17. How does Jesus fulfill each part of Isaiah’s prophecy? Do you think Christ’s fulfillment would be surprising to Isaiah’s hearers? Why/why not?


  1. Israel looked to human solutions (8:19-20) to fix their problems, yet it led to deeper gloom and despair (8:22). How are you prone to look to human solutions rather than Christ, and how is God calling you to lean on Him (9:2-7) instead?

  2. Ray Ortlund comments on this passage and says, “God’s answer to everything that has ever terrorized us is a child.” Which part of Christ’s name in v.6—Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace—is most glorious to you? Which name is He calling you to believe and lean into in particular this month?


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