John 15:12-15; John 17:1-5,24


  • Homestretch Volunteer Event - Nov 5 @ 10AM

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  • Women's Gathering - Nov 6 @ 10AM

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  • Night of Worship & Prayer - November 17 @ 7PM


John 15:12-15; John 17:1-5, 24


  1. What stands out to you in these texts?

  2. Why do you think that Jesus tells the disciples that there is no greater love than for someone to lay their lives down for their friends, as opposed to romantic or familial love?

  3. John 17:24 tells us that God the Father loved Jesus before the foundation of the world. In Genesis 1, God says “let us make God in our image.” What do these passages hint is at the core of God’s being and design for humanity?


  1. Jesus laid his life down for us so that we may lay our lives down for him and others. What are some of the ways we “lay our lives down” in our relationships? 

  2. In John 17, we read that Jesus desires above all that we would know God the Father through Jesus Christ. How can we grow in our knowledge of God? Are there ways we can steward the knowledge of God we receive to not be merely intellectual but relational?

  3. What are some ways we can prioritize our relationships with our friends/family, those in our church, and those who do not know The Lord more intentionally?


For the needs of each other

For our CG’s to continue to be witnesses for the gospel to our communities

John Campbell