Genesis 1:26-27, 2:18-25; Matthew 19:3-6


Genesis 1:26-27, 2:18-25; Matthew 19:3-6


  1. What stands out to you in these passages?

  2. Genesis 1-2 and Jesus in Matthew 19 affirm the binary, embodied nature of gender. What’s significant about this? What is helpful about understanding your gender this way?

  3. The first thing we’re told about the image of God in Genesis 1:27 is that male and female are distinct and yet image God together. What are some implications of this?

  4. What distinctives between men and women do we find throughout Scripture? What distinctives does Scripture not provide regarding gender?


  1. Both the church and society have created stereotypes for each gender. While the Bible makes it clear your gender is tied to the body God gave you, the Bible is remarkably broad about the personality traits a man or woman may express. Do you have experience wrestling with gender stereotypes placed on you, either by others or self-imposed? Have you ever imposed stereotypes on others? How is the Bible’s teaching liberating? 

  2. The Bible gives a high view of the body: God made us as embodied souls, He’ll resurrect us with renewed bodies, and Jesus took on a body in the incarnation. What are ways, if any, we see a low view of the body playing out in our culture? Is the Bible’s teaching about the goodness of the body encouraging for you?

  3. In the West there are increasing numbers of individuals identifying as transgender. What are ways we can show compassion to trans people, who are equally made in the image of God? How does Jesus meet them in their need/desire for identity?


For the needs of each other

For our CG’s to continue to be witnesses for the gospel to our communities

John Campbell