Matthew 12:38-50
Matthew 12:38-50
What stands out to you in the text?
Jesus tells the scribes and Pharisees the only sign they will receive from him is the sign of the prophet Jonah. What are parallels between Jesus and Jonah and how is Jesus the greater Jonah? Why do you think He says this?
In the metaphor Jesus uses in verse 43-45, He describes the “house” as “empty, swept, and put in order.” Why do you think He uses this description?
What is significant about Jesus identifying whoever does the will of the Father as His “brother and sister and mother?”
In what ways do we look for “signs” to prove Jesus’ divinity and goodness in our lives? What is the primary sign He has given us to trust in Him?
When we focus on keeping ourselves/our lives “swept and put in order,” Jesus gets pushed to the side and it becomes easier to believe the lies of the enemy (the unclean spirits who enter the home). How can we respond to Jesus’ parable in a manner that places Him at the center of our lives?
In verse 46-50 Jesus tells us that followers of Jesus (The Church) are a family. What are some ways we can identify and act more as a family in the ways we love and serve one another?
For the needs of each other
For our CG’s to continue to be witnesses for the gospel to our communities