Matthew 13:23-43
Matthew 13:23-43
What stands out to you in the text?
What might be the reason(s) Jesus uses the parable of the weeds with the crowds, but then chooses to explain the parable when He is alone with his disciples?
Why do you think Jesus states in the parable that the Master wants the weeds and wheat to grow together until harvest? What implications does this have for the people of God?
How does Jesus want his followers to view and interact with people they believe to be weeds?
How do we live as a sober-minded people holding both the truth of the hope we have in Jesus paired with the reality of the brokenness of the systems, groups, and individuals around us well?
The growth of the mustard seed is slow, hidden, and insignificant-looking. In the same way, growth in the Christian faith can feel this way. What are some examples of growth you see in your daily life as a follower of Jesus? What helps you hold on in faith as you trust this process of sanctification and more importantly the One who set it into motion for you?
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