Matthew 14:22-36
Matthew 14:22-36
What stands out to you in the text?
What are some of the reasons Jesus dismissed the crowd and sent his disciples ahead of him on the boat? (see Matthew 14:13, John 6:14-15)
Why were the disciples afraid? What does their fear say about their current view of Jesus? How does it change once Jesus comes into the boat with them?
What does Jesus communicate by calming the seas? What was the response of the disciples once they witnessed Jesus’ power?
Like Peter, at times we fear and fix our gaze on the storms that come into our lives and we miss seeing and holding to the power and purpose Jesus has within the storms. What are ways we can walk in faith in Jesus daily and prepare for the inevitable storms that will come?
Every storm is an opportunity to not only trust God more but to become a person of proactive love instead of reactive fear. How do we give God access to do the work of making us more into people of love over fear? What are ways that we block God from doing that work in us?
For the needs of each other
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