Matthew 1:18-25


Matthew 1:18-25


  1. What stands out to you in this passage?

  2. Read v.18-20. What do you think this conversation looked like between Mary and Joseph? What does this tell us about what following God sometimes feels like?

  3. The angel tells Joseph to take Mary as his wife and name their child Jesus. In v.24-25 Joseph obeys. What’s significant about this?

  4. v.21 gives the primary reason for the incarnation. Discuss.

  5. v.23b (“…Immanuel, which means, God with us.”) is the end goal of Jesus’ mission described in v.21. Why is this necessary to keep in mind?

  6. v.22-23 is a prophecy in Isaiah 7:10-14 in which God promises King Ahaz He’ll deliver Israel from invading Assyria. The guarantee of this promise was a [at the time] virgin would conceive a sign child (sign children were signs of blessing for God’s people and judgment on His enemies; ex. Samson was a sign child). This prophecy is fulfilled in the near term in Isaiah 8:3 when a prophetess—formerly a virgin—conceives and bears the child Maher-shalal-hash-baz (Isaiah 8:1), . Matthew 1:22-23 says Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of the promise in Isaiah 7. How so? Can you think of other events/prophecies/promises in the Old Testament that are ultimately fulfilled in Jesus, either implicitly or explicitly? (Another example is approaching in Matthew 2.)


  1. v.18-19 describes a dark period in Mary and Joseph’s life, and the mission of Jesus (v.21) gives voice to the darkness of the world and our need for a new earth. Similarly, Advent is a season to examine the darkness of our world and in our lives. How does Advent help us better appreciate being saved, known, and loved by Jesus?

  2. God gives Joseph a promise (“your wife will birth a son conceived by the Holy Spirit) that sounds absurd. Are there any promises of God you have trouble believing today?

  3. Joseph obeys God’s Word even though it doesn’t sound pragmatic and will likely be costly. Where may God be calling you to obey His Word today?


For the needs of each other

For our CG’s to continue to be witnesses for the gospel to our communities

John Campbell