Matthew 6:5-15


Matthew 6:5-15


  1. What stands out to you in the text?

  2. What is Jesus articulating in verses 5-8 as he contrasts the prayers of the hypocrites and gentiles with the prayer of genuine believers? 

  3. What is the significance of Jesus referring to God as Father in relation to how we can pray to Him?

  4. Why do you think Jesus places an enormous emphasis on forgiveness in verses 14 & 15?


  1. Why do you think Jesus gave us The Lord’s Prayer? And How does its framework help us balance our prayers before God?

  2. What are some of the challenges you’ve found in praying to God? What are some of the joys and growth you’ve discovered through prayer?


For the needs of each other

For our CG’s to continue to be witnesses for the gospel to our communities

John Campbell