Matthew 7:7-11


Matthew 7:7-11


  1. What stands out to you in the text?

  2. What do you think is the central point Jesus is driving home in using the ask, seek, knock illustration in verses 7 & 8? 

  3. How does Jesus’ comparison of earthly fathers and God the father help convey how trustworthy God is to give good gifts to his children?


  1. What is your relationship with prayer? Do you find it challenging? Comforting? A Joy or a burden?

  2. How do we respond with faith when our prayers aren’t answered in the manner in which we had hoped they would be?

  3. What do you believe God wants for us in our prayer life with him? What are some ways we can develop more intentionality in our time of prayer to God?


For the needs of each other

For our CG’s to continue to be witnesses for the gospel to our communities

John Campbell