Psalm 139


Psalm 139


  1. What stands out to you about this Psalm?

  2. What do you think David means when he says, “You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all of my ways?” v.3

  3. What do you think David means in v.10 when he says that God’s hand will lead and hold him?

  4. Knowing the sinful acts David committed in his life (2 Samuel 11) why do you think he is comforted by God’s presence even in his darkest moments to his very death? v.7-12

  5. Why do you think David connects the creation of his being in verses 13-16 with God’s intimate knowledge and presence he has spoken about in previous verses?


  1. Do you find God’s intimate knowledge of you and your future comforting or troubling? 

  2. How have you seen the presence of God lead and hold you in your life? v.10

  3. How are we to view ourselves and others in light of God’s attentive detail to creation? Do you find this challenging? v.14

  4. In what ways does the gospel demonstrate God’s knowledge, presence, and attentiveness in your life through Christ?


  • for one another, our church, our city

John Campbell