Psalm 32


Psalm 32


  1. What stands out to you about this psalm?

  2. Why do you think v.2b (“…in whose spirit there is no deceit”) is included with v.1-2a?

  3. What does v.4a mean? Is this something the believer should desire? Why/why not?

  4. Why is v.6-7 connected with v.5?

  5. What does it look/feel like to act like the horse or mule described in v.9?

  6. Why do you think David concludes with v.11?


  1. How might God be inviting you into a renewed practice of confession as a result of studying this psalm?

  2. What would it look like for you to live as one who is wholly forgiven in your workplace? In your home life? In the church?

  3. v.8 illustrates that God never tells us to “stop doing bad stuff” without also inviting us into a life of positive and beautiful action. What may God be calling you to start doing in this next season of your life?

  4. v.1-2 show us that an ongoing experience of God’s forgiveness is one of the key ways to experience the intense happiness and life of joy that we often seek through other avenues. Is this something you’ve ever experienced? Is it something you struggle to believe/practice?


  • for one another, our church, our city

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