Matthew 14:22-33 — The Storm, Jesus, and Peter

Read Passage

Matthew 14:22-33


  • What stands out to you about this passage?

  • Discuss this event in light of the Feeding of the Five Thousand (v.13-21). How does it inform our understanding of this passage? 

  • Christ rebukes the disciples for their lack of faith in v.31. What role does this exchange play in the passage? What was the point of Christ doing so?

  • Reflect upon Peter's story, specifically Matt 14:22-33, Matt 16:18, Matt 26:69-75, and John 21:15-19. How does Jesus minister to Peter? How does Peter's story point to Jesus?

  • Jesus is sovereign over the wind and the storm (v.32). How does this passage connect to other weather-related events in Scripture, specifically in the OT?


  • What examples of comfort, security, convenience, are you prone to follow instead of the call of Jesus on your life?

  • How does seeing Christ as our destination alter the way we live and the way we interact with the people around us?

  • We live in a city of striving and in a time period of striving. How does Christ's perfect striving and work break our cycles of sin and exhaustion? In what ways can that message be a light to our communities?

  • Are there situations or sins you feel hopeless in? How does this story and seeing Christ's work encourage you?

  • What does resting in Christ's sovereignty look like for you?


  • pray for one another, our church, our city

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