Revelation 21:1-8—The New Heaven and New Earth
Read Passage
Revelation 21:1-8
What stands out to you about this passage?
Throughout history God’s people act as an unfaithful spouse (Isa. 50, Jer. 3, Hos. 2). In light of this, how does v.2b take on new depth of wonder?
Read v.3 in light of Exodus 6:7. Discuss.
A verse like v.8 makes many westerners uncomfortable. Why is v.8 necessary if something like v.4 can happen? Does this change your attitude toward the justice/judgement of God?
When you are with God (v.3) in a more physical and unobstructed way than you are today, what do you think this will be like? How does this change how you live today?
The new heaven/earth will involve a city (v.2) filled with image bearers, not a giant garden where you’re alone/having lots of “me” time. How does this impact how you view/treat people now?
How does v.8 make you grateful for Jesus, and call you toward evangelism, daily repentance, and running after God?
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