1 Samuel 18:1-16—Saul, David, and Jonathan

Read Passage

1 Samuel 18:1-16


  • What stands out to you about this passage?

  • Why does the author insert v.2 in the middle of describing Jonathan’s friendship with David?

  • Do you think the women’s song in v.7 is an attempt to belittle Saul or are they merely extolling the accomplishments of each leader? If the latter, does this change how you understand Saul’s response in v.8?

  • Discuss v.10. How may this be a delayed result of 15:26?

  • Note the fixation of Saul upon David in v.8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15. What is the author communicating?


  • Is envy something you actively fight against? Why or why not?

  • Saul and Jonathan contrast two ways of relating to those who have (or appear to have) more than you or are more gifted than you. How is God calling to adapt the approach of Jonathan?

  • How does the Gospel give a far more powerful antidote to envy compared to advice such as “just stop envying” or “well, you should think about how good you have it compared to others”

  • How can our church strengthen a culture of rejoicing with those who rejoice and weeping with those who weep? (envy = weeping/raging when others rejoice, and rejoicing when others weep)


  • pray for one another, our church, our city

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